Friday 8 March 2013

We live in a truly deranged world. The following are a few concepts that I have found useful to make sense of it all. I believe that these facts are essential to start one's journey to understanding, accepting and scheming past the current paradigm.

Human Nature
     People are products of their environment. So much so, that our bodies change and respond to the environment on a genetic level. Feral children pose an especially significant example of how the  environment influences people. The above link explains the life of a girl who was completely neglected by her parents and was raised by dogs. Once she was rescued, she communicated like a dog, walked on all fours and barked. In other words, she adapted to her environment. During the Dutch hunger winter, pregnant women couldn't feed their children. Studies were done on the babies who were in the womb during this time and it turns out that a large majority of them ended up becoming obese. Why? Because their environment taught them to conserve for themselves excessively. Environments are the root cause of any social behaviour. Studies show that Palestinian children born during the 1967 Israeli-Palestinian conflict have a higher rate of schizophrenia. Brutal military leaders throughout history have had certain environmental factors in common. Most violent people in society usually have been exposed to severe abuse or neglect. Statistically speaking, higher rates of inequality lead to violence. This is significant because social scientists can now predict what environments will lead to what social disorders. To best understand this concept, check out the experts Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. James Gilligan and Dr. Robert Sapolsky. This concept is so vital to understand because too often people tend to believe that people are inherently evil and greedy when that is actually not the case, people are conditioned to be how they are. Keeping this concept in mind, think about how the following facts could influence how people develop.

Banking and Money
     Private banks own most of the world's debt. That means that the debt of America for example, is in the hands of private interests (The Federal Reserve) and that bank is trying to please their shareholders by making shit tons of money, just like any other business. Amsel Baur Mayer Rothschild once said: "Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws". I'm not interested in theorizing about "globalists" or the "new world order" but it is important to understand this reality. Money is equivalent to debt and it is printed out of thin airMoney has no value except the value we place on it. Banks will no longer exchange your money for gold. The 2008 banking crisis has left many people jobless and homeless while coke-head, prostitute loving banksters got huge bonuses and tax payer bailouts. The best way to understand the current recession is by watching the documentary "The Inside Job." Money was meant to be a means of exchange, but now it has ended up in control of us. 

    Governments are often controlled and manipulated. They are dependent on money for campaign contributions, meaning that they they owe favours to big business once they get into power. Governments are often infiltrated with people who used to work in big business (or still do) and those people work in the interests of their former companies. This does not mean that everybody in government is corrupt, there are many well meaning people in public service, however the system is for the most part, is corrupted. Everything is for sale in this paradigm, including politicians. On a larger scale, The International Monetary Fund and World Bank are banks that give out loans to countries to "stimulate development". A government's power in these organizations is based on the amount of money a country has put into these banks. The United States has by far, the biggest share in both organizations as well as in the World Trade Organization. The IMF, WB and WTO use debt as a form of control. This phenomena is encompassed in the term "neo-colonialism". Debt control is occurring all over the world. To understand this better, listen to former WB employee John PerkinsHigh amounts of debt cause government's to cut social spending and this leads to a lower standard of living. Residents in "developing" countries are often forced to work shitty factory jobs for shitty pay in often unsafe and abusive environments. Trans-national companies usually pay better than most domestic companies but the wages are still extremely low. When one comes to understand how we in the "developed world" get our consumer goods, it is usually doesn't feel too good. To learn more about trade and production, look up coltan production for cellphones in The Congo or for a more broad perspective Naomi Klein's No Logo.

Food and Water     
    The only reason large scale civilization has manifested, is because of the agricultural revolution. Food production influenced the creation of commerce, language, math, cities and much more. The current method of food production is simply unsustainable. It is highly dependent on toxic pesticides and every year, the depleted soils on which food is grown, needs more and more pesticides to be able to sustain. Pesticides are a by-priduct of oil, which is running out. Pesticides pollute water tables and produce dead zones in the ocean like in the Gulf of MexicoWater is essential to life but we are polluting it at an alarming rate. Some people theorize that the next world war will be over water. We are running out of clean, freshwater and using it irresponsibly. Clearly, these issues are a danger to the survival of the human species. The best resource for understanding food issues is the documentary Food Inc. and Blue Gold: World Water Wars for water issues.

Media and Information
     The mainstream media is controlled by a few conglomerates. The media conglomerates such as General Electric, are invested in other businesses. They get away with atrocities because they can prevent coverage of certain stories or spin stories to defer blame to other people. They can also promote certain concepts or ideas through media that help proliferate their agenda and worldview. It is legal in the United States to broadcast lies as news. Fox news is a perfect example of a corporate lie machine built to promote ignorance. People are starting to read between the lies and that is why independent media is on the rise! The best sources I have found to understand media conglomeration are Shadows of Liberty, The War You Don't SeeManufacturing Consent, or this short snippet from the documentary "The Corporation".

The Climate
     The current economy is based on cheap oil production, but that time is coming to an end. The burning of fossil fuels and the release of toxic chemicals by industries is causing serious alteration in climate and the natural environment. Global Climate Change, could cause the human species to become extinct. It could cause rising sea levels and higher frequency and severity of hurricanes. This is a problem because a very large portion of the earth's human population lives with 50 km of the ocean. Desertification is hindering the ability to grow food. Deforestation is hindering the ability for many species to survive. Ocean acidification is destroying the coral reefs and marine food chains. There are a million documentaries and sources of information out there about Global Climate Change. The best ones I have found are RevolutionThe Age of Stupid, NASA's website, and if you like Leonardo Di Caprio - The Eleventh Hour.

Realizing how extraordinarily screwed up the world really is, can be extremely overwhelming, but after a few days, your stress levels subside. The urgency felt right after the documentary dies out. Life goes on and that's ok. The point of this blog is to be a catalyst for learning how to educate oneself outside of formal education, to interest people in things they did not know about before and to inspire real, significant, tangible change - past this paradigm of thought, organization and system of economics.

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